The Blue Jays released their minor league opening day rosters today and we’ll be bringing them to you over the next few days with our thoughts . . . and we’ll also look at how we did in our predictions! You can find our pitching predictions here and our hitting predictions here.
Starting Pitchers
Ryan Borucki
Conner Greene
Tom Robson
Luis Santos
Justin Shafer
How did we do?
Two out of five. Ok, we had Shafer and Robson locked and we mentioned Santos in the “Other Possible Starters” section but who would have thought that Ryan Borucki starts the year in Dunedin after not having pitched in Lansing before. And Conner Greene heading back to Dunedin after several starts in New Hampshire? We didn’t see that one coming at all.
Brad Allen
Adonys Cardona
Matt Dermody
Jose Fernandez
Alonzo Gonzalez
Tim Mayza
Carlos Ramirez
Chris Rowley
Gustavo Pierre (DL)
How did we do?
Four out of eight. This one was our worst prediction by far. First, Brandon Bixler and Bobby Doran didn’t even stick with the organization through spring training. Second, Josh DeGraaf didn’t quite make the leap from Vancouver. I think Cardona’s outstanding showing in spring training got him the bump to Dunedin while I probably should have considered Jose Fernandez. I thought Ramirez was out of the organization as a free agent and I didn’t think Chris Rowley would jump up quite so high to Dunedin.
Dan Jansen
Mike Reeves
How did we do?
One out of four. I thought Jansen would start in Lansing and Saez would be here in Dunedin. Pentecost was hurt anyways (and stashed on the Lansing roster) while Seth Conner doesn’t have an assignment as the season starts.
Jason Leblebijian
Christian Lopes
Ryan McBroom
Dickie Joe Thon
Richard Urena
L.B. Dantzler (DL)
Emilio Guerrero (DL)
Mitch Nay (DL)
How did we do?
Five out of seven (ish). With the DL folks, that gets the Nay and Dantzler predictions correct although we thought that Guerrero would be moved up to New Hampshire. Otherwise, the only surprise (sort of) is that Christian Lopes is back in Dunedin to start the year.
Anthony Alford
D.J. Davis
Jonathan Davis
David Harris
Derrick Loveless
How did we do?
Four out of five. The only discrepancy from our prediction is the switching of Alford and Parmley. As we’ve mentioned before, it looks like the Blue Jays are taking a more patient approach with their top prospects under this new regime and Alford will get a chance to dominate the Florida State League a little while longer. Loveless had a decent year last year at this level but returns for another shot while the J.D. Davis and David Harris struggled in Dunedin while being extremely good in Lansing. D.J. finally moves up a level after two years in Lansing.
Overall, the biggest surprises were probably Greene and Alford being “held back” to start the season, while Ryan Borucki was jumped over Lansing. That may be due to his injury history and the club wants to keep a closer eye on him.
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