We’re pleased to announce that we’ll be adding a Premium Content section to Blue Jays from Away. You’ve probably noticed (or maybe you haven’t) that things have been quiet around here over the winter. While we’re not posting a lot of articles, we’ve been preparing for the next phase of Blue Jays from Away and those changes are going to start rolling out on March 1.
New this season!
You’ve probably noticed that we’ve changed the format of the website already. That was Phase 1.
Phase 2 begins on March 1, when we unveil our “members-only” area of the website. For one month, registration will be free to all, allowing you to access our premium content which will begin to arrive in March. Registered members will have access to our exclusive spring training coverage which includes scouting reports, video and photos from Dunedin as well as new articles about players you may or may not have heard of.
Phase 3 begins on April 1 and coincides with the release of the 2015 Toronto Blue Jays Minor League Handbook. Paid subscribers will have access to our Premium Content section that will be, essentially, a live version of the Minor League Handbook with a few extra bells and whistles.
At Blue Jays from Away, we try to bring you the most comprehensive coverage of the Toronto Blue Jays’ minor league system. Over the past two years, we’ve brought you interviews, podcasts and scouting reports from Florida, Buffalo, New Hampshire, Lansing and Bluefield. We want to keep doing that but, at the same time, we need to keep paying for our internet server and the costs of traveling to such far-flung locations.
Starting April 1, the 2015 Toronto Blue Jays Minor League Handbook will be integrated with the Blue Jays from Away Premium Content section. We believe that this change will allow readers of both formats to get the most out of their experiences.
How will it work?
Most of the content that you’ve been getting here at Blue Jays from Away will still be free for everyone. This includes news articles, opinion articles, daily minor league reports and previews, and podcasts.
The Premium Content section will be structured along the lines of the Blue Jays’ minor league system. There will be sub-menus for each team which will include a home page and links to a player page for every player on that team’s roster. Each player’s page will have photos (if available), a profile, stats links, embedded video from Blue Jays from Away’s private collection (if available) and a scouting report (if available). Player and team pages will be updated throughout the season with original content that is exclusive to Blue Jays from Away.
Subscriptions will be available on a monthly and a yearly basis. The one-year subscription extends for a full calendar year but will only cost the equivalent of about 7 months of paying month-to-month. Additionally, the one-year subscription will include the digital copy of the 2015 Toronto Blue Jays Minor League Handbook (in your choice of format) so you can enjoy all of the features of the book on your e-reader or mobile device and have all of the updated information on our website. The 2015 Toronto Blue Jays Minor League Handbook will also be available right here as well as at Smashwords.com, iTunes and other online retailers.
I don’t wanna pay!
Then please enjoy our regular content for free! No registration and no subscription will be required to get our news articles, opinion articles, daily minor league reports, and podcasts! For those readers and listeners who want to keep up to date without going into as much depth, our content will always be free.
But if you want access to the best and most comprehensive coverage of the Toronto Blue Jays minor league system, our Premium Content section is going to be right up your alley!
If you like us here, “like” us on Facebook!
Work has started on the 2015 edition of the Toronto Blue Jays Minor League Handbook. You can still purchase The 2014 Toronto Blue Jays Minor League Handbook, now available as an ebook at Smashwords.com, now at a reduced price of $2.99 US. You can purchase and preview the book at our Smashwords.com page!
The All-Star Break Supplement to the Minor League Handbook is also available at Smashwords.com for only $0.99 US! Get an update on how your favourite players did last season as well as a report on the 2014 draft!
All photos are copyright Blue Jays from Away (2013-2014) and may not be used without permission.